Monday 20 February 2012

You Cannot Lead without Inquiry

Too many people in positions of authority operate from a position of fear. Fear of not knowing, fear of being found out, fear of looking incompetent, fear of losing what has taken them years to attain.  This is true in companies, public service and politics. People who are in these positions are rarely stupid.  Being smart is usually a big factor in them getting to where thet are. But, once they are there, something seems to kick in which is profoundly 'anti-learning'. To paraphrase the great Chris Argyris, "Smart People find it tough to Learn".

Today's story in The Nation of Hamza Kashgari, a 23-year-old journalist, who faces potential death for daring to question, shines a powerful spotlight on the fear with which 'leaders' operate. As a species we progress by learning.  We are problem solvers, we are cognitive thinkers, we naturally question, challenge and inquire. It is by doing so that we have overcome the multitude of obstacles that have stood in the way of our evolution over millenia. But, we do not and cannot stand still. To do so would consign the human race to extinction, probably through self-destruction. More than ever before, we require enormous learning on a global scale. We need creativity and innovation, we need it networked and con-joined, we need collaboration, we cannot afford to shut down any avenues of possible learning. We need advances, leaps of logic, and 'open and questioning minds' that will take our species forward together to solve the biggest problems we have ever had to deal with - drought, famine, economy, conflict, climate change, energy, pestulance, AIDS, malaria, and the list goes on.
Shutting down inquiry, especially in our young people, is a fast-track to self-destruction. It may preserve the 'Leaders' position in the short term, it saves face, it avoids embarrassment, it re-asserts authority and quells insubordination, but all at the expense of 'learning'.  The best Leaders through history have demonstrated that they contnue to change, they recognise that the circumstances that surrounded them while getting to where they have reached are continously changing, and so must they. They adapt, they are flexible in their approach, and they continuously learn. They do this by continuing to ask questions.  They do not fear that they will be seen as incompetent in doing so. They encourage others to do the same, they create a safe and open space for inquiry, because they know that this is the surest way to keep learning.

I wish Hamza well in his fight for justice and his right to learn.

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